PFERD-South Africa offers the metalworking industry integrated solutions for surface preparation, material cutting as well as finishing.
By drawing on the more than 200 years’ expertise and experience of its parent company in Germany as well as its own since its establishment in 1968, PFERD-South Africa can offer users in Sub-Sahara Africa a full-circle-service in the form of tailored solutions specific to each customer’s requirements.
The tool drives, consumables, operating procedures and the necessary skills all form part of the holistic approach to ensure each user gets the maximum benefit and achieve optimum cost-effectiveness.
“PFERD offers a broad range of tool drives and abrasive consumables—from cutting and grinding, to milling, deburring, filing, brushing, polishing, cleaning and creating defined surfaces—combine this with the wide range of materials, applications and product offerings within the industry, and it can result in quite a difficult and time consuming decision-making process.
Contact PFERD-South Africa for further details. Tel: +27 (0)11 230 4000 E-mail: / Website: