THERE are many types of industrial coatings on the market. Each of these coatings has their unique properties that make them useful for different applications. Read more about the different applications for industrial coatings below:
Epoxy coatings
Epoxy coatings are not just epoxy. They consist of an epoxy base, and either one or two additional industrial coating products such as a zinc-rich coating or polyurethane coating. The combination of coatings makes for different final outcomes that are suited to different environments.
Polyurethane coatings
Polyurethane coatings are industrial coatings that are often used to coat other coatings. This coating acts as a glossy finish that is scratch resistant. It is a great coating to use for outdoor applications as it is not prone to UV or weather damage. This coating is also used in underwater applications due to its resistance to corrosion.
Zinc-rich coatings
These coatings are durable and corrosion resistant, with galvanic properties that act as a form of protection. The properties of Zinc-rich coatings make them the ideal choice for coating steel. There are two options for these coatings: organic or inorganic. Inorganic zinc-rich coatings are the usual choice for steel applications.
Acrylic coatings
Industrial coatings such as acrylic coatings are the perfect option as a primer for other coatings. An acrylic coating promotes the adhesion of future coatings. They are also very useful in preventing the breakdown of a product due to corrosion because its additives do not include many surfactants and other products.
Alkyd coatings
Alkyd coatings are the all-rounders of the industrial coating world. These coatings can be used for applications indoor, outdoor, below ground level and underwater. These industrial coatings do take longer but they are the ideal choice due to their environmental diversity.
Information supplied by SA Corrosion Control –