Engineering group Facet Holdings offers a lot more than the supply of conveying and processing equipment, but rather it provides bespoke design engineered solutions to vital sectors of industry.
The group, which was founded by its CEO Colin Fairweather, comprises two companies, Facet Process Engineering and Agribulk Engineering with branches in both Johannesburg and Cape Town.
What sets Facet apart is their unsurpassed experience and expertise in conveying and Agri-Food processing along with their attention to detail and their interaction with their clients.
They offer an extensive range of conveyors and conveyor systems which suits the vast application in the industry and also includes pneumatic conveying.
Their process division is more specialised and is very active in the Agri-Food sector, supplying complete plant and equipment for the handling and processing of grain, seed, animal feed and milled products.
All this shows that Facet Engineering provides turnkey solutions, which are specific to the needs of its clients.
This is made possible by the group having one of the finest design teams in the country, which are working on the latest computer aided draughting systems, along with a fully equipped manufacturing facility with CNC cutting equipment and in house machine shop.
The vital after sale services so necessary on this type of equipment is provided by their Agribulk Engineering and includes spare parts, on-site servicing along with dust extraction systems.
The Group also undertakes the delivery to site, and installation of all equipment supplied, throughout South Africa and even its neighbouring countries.
Aside from the equipment it manufactures, Facet Process Engineering is an agent for the Brazilian company Zaccaria, who are leaders in cereal and maize processing worldwide.
They also have close ties to the Turkish company IMAS Group who are leaders in milling wheat and maize products, as well as animal feed plants.
As a company that has been going for more than 30 years, Facet Holdings is a well-established brand, the group is well placed to trends in the agricultural industry.
Fairweather said, “for example, there was a growing understanding of the importance of food security in South Africa, especially in the Western Cape. We want to capitalise on it and see the massive potential of it in the Western Cape.”