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Upgrade of Muizenberg beachfront commencing in February

The City of Cape Town is on track to commence with the refurbishment of the Muizenberg beachfront by mid-February next year. The project entails major upgrades to public amenities and replacing the aged seawalls, and will be complete by the end of 2026. Engagements with stakeholders, business owners and the local community have commenced to inform them of the timeframes, anticipated impact, and measures to address inconveniences while work is ongoing.

‘The refurbishment of the Muizenberg beachfront is one of the biggest capital projects the City’s Coastal Management branch will undertake in recent years. We are extremely excited about the revamp and the long-term benefits it will bring to the area, the local community, and visitors. The beach will remain open, but the reality is the work will have an impact on all of those who live and work in Muizenberg, and visitors frequenting the beachfront,’ said the City’s Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Eddie Andrews.

       The project will be done in phases and the first work will commence along the western section of Surfer’s Corner, next to the railway line. The beach will remain open and accessible at all times.

‘We will do everything we can to mitigate the impact. Still, a project of this magnitude will cause inconveniences and given the timeframe, engagements are already under way with the local businesses, other stakeholders, and residents to inform all about what is coming and how the work will be phased. Part of the preparation is establishing forums for ongoing engagement with stakeholders. The City will be monitoring the project closely to ensure we remain on track. We will be counting on the support and collaboration of our local community. I want to thank you in advance for your understanding, and encourage all to join the available forums where issues can be addressed,’ said Alderman Andrews.

Public information displays

       Public information displays with details about the upgrade have been installed at various points at the Muizenberg beachfront

       These include artist impressions of the refurbishment and design

       Scan the QR code to sign up for updates, and more information about the project

Location of the upgrade project

The upgrades will take place at Surfer’s Corner, on the western part of the beachfront along Beach Road, including the connection to the St James walkway, the Surfer’s Corner steps, the main promenade area and the existing informal gravel parking area along the railway line and eastern parking area.

Upgrades and repairs

Stepped revetment coastal protection infrastructure

The existing wooden coastal protection structure along the promenade, stone masonry steps and curved concrete seawall in the corner have passed their design life and are failing. These will be replaced with a stepped revetment that will include a 3m wide promenade with a universally accessible beach ramp.

The new revetment is a key element of the upgrade, designed by coastal engineering experts to protect the beachfront from future impacts of climate change such as increased wave action due to sea level rise and more frequent storm surges. The steps and promenade will be constructed with concrete to ensure its longevity and effectiveness in protecting the public beachfront. The areas landwards of the promenade will be paved with clay segmented pavers. 

  • The new stepped revetment follows the existing seawall alignment in the main promenade area and retreats in the corner area
  • The alignment of the new revetment will improve the connection along the beach by retreating in the corner area, and provides a wider beach area for recreational users and seating in high tide conditions
  • A sandstone aggregate and sandblasted finish to the concrete will avoid the bland grey concrete look
  • The new promenade is universally accessible, and will also link with the St James walkway
  • Universal access will be improved on the promenade, onto the beach and for public amenities, including facilities for adaptive surfing

Parking areas

The existing gravel parking area along the railway line will be formalised with clay pavers, in the same style as the current main parking area. Formalising relates to the resurfacing, the use of soft landscaping, a pedestrian oriented design, and the demarcating of parking bays, as well as area lighting for improved safety.

  • Importantly, the upgrade and improved layout will not take away any of the beach space
  • The layout of the eastern parking seaward of the Pavilion will also be optimised
  • Parking will remain free of charge

Ablution facility

The existing ablutions are located on the beach in the littoral active and wave run-up zone, which is not a long-term sustainable location. Thus, it will be demolished and rebuilt in the same architectural style just landwards of the revetment, opening up more beach space.

  • The new facility will be located at the central shower plaza area
  • Universal access parking will be provided in the central area at the ablution
  • The facility will be universally accessible with family changing rooms and wheelchair accessible showers;
  • Local mosaic art will be included inside the building and at the outside showers
  • The outside shower remains in the central node area


The pergola will be demolished and rebuilt further landward to allow for the construction and setback of the new revetment structures and promenade.

It will be rebuilt like-for-like, meaning, the new pergola will have the same design and details as the current structure to preserve the local heritage, look and feel, as requested by the public. There will also be an outside shower at the pergola, as is the case currently.


The existing playground will be upgraded with a kelp forest theme and will include a universal access ramp and interactive play equipment for children with various abilities.

Paved areas

The surfaces landwards of the new promenade will be surfaced with clay pavers matching the existing colours and style.

Station forecourt

The forecourt will be refurbished to make it more pedestrian friendly. Parking for people with special needs and a universally accessible ramp to access the promenade will also be located in this area.


The underground sewer and stormwater mains will be realigned where needed to avoid the risk of coastal impacts, and the capacity maintained.

Soft landscaping

Locally indigenous vegetation and grassy areas will be included. Unfortunately, trees are not suitable to the harsh coastal climate and strong south-easterly winds.

Beach huts

All eight huts will be relocated to the central plaza, as opposed to on either side of the main plaza, and thus also serve as a wind shelter for the central shower area.


The existing NGO buildings will remain, this means those who are currently operating from the beachfront will keep on doing so.

The number of informal trading opportunities will be retained, and accommodated during the construction.

Waves for Change will move to a newly constructed building near the northern corner of the formalised parking area. The current Waves for Change building will be modified to provide greater adaptive surfing opportunities, storage of beach access mats, equipment and wheelchairs. The Shark Spotters building remains as is.

  • Where existing buildings are refurbished or demolished, these will be rebuilt in a style similar to the existing buildings to ensure we retain the heritage value, look and feel of Muizenberg

‘Once the construction has started, there will be an impact on beachgoers and businesses along Beach Road, as well as the surrounding areas. Those who operate from the Muizenberg beachfront – be it private businesses or NGOs – must please plan ahead, and consider the anticipated impact on their operations.

‘Unfortunately, visitors will also have to cope with less parking while the construction is ongoing and traffic flow to and from the beachfront will be impacted as well. We will give more details about the construction and how activities will be accommodated on the beachfront in the new year. On the bright side, once done, the Muizenberg beachfront will be a quality destination for decades to come,’ said Alderman Andrews.

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