The advent of Artificial Intelligence into the world we live in is furiously gaining momentum, where products like Google Duplex, Amazon Alexa, and others are finding residence in more and more mobility applications.
Everyday cars are becoming more and more technologically advanced. But, says Hedley Judd, National Director of the Tyre, Equipment, Parts Association (TEPA), an association of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), this should not be intimidating but rather exciting news for motorists.
The motor vehicle has an Engine Control Unit (ECU), Body Control Module (BCM), screens of different types, and of course the communication system to the outside world, either via a WIFI-linked hotspot or a Bluetooth link to the cell network. “The ECU and the BCM are both effectively computers with processors and memory that are programmed to function according to set rules depending on the external input from the engine or the vehicle via the driver. The screens referred to are the infotainment screen and nowadays in many vehicles the instrument cluster has become a computer-like screen as well. Finally, the communication language would be understandable to the drivers of today’s vehicles.”
Data is continuously stored by the ECU and BCM units. Judd says this is where, when coupled to the external world via a connection of some description, your vehicle is then able to provide you with reactive information such as brakes or tyres that need replacing, or that the vehicle needs a service. “Your vehicle will then assist you in scheduling the appointments for the repairs or servicing.”
“The following scenario may very well play out:
The driver is alerted to the need to take action. If the driver refuses a repeat alert is set for a later time. If the driver agrees then the vehicle communicates with the home computer to establish a suitable time slot for the work based upon prior knowledge of the typical duration of the work required. The home computer that is connected to an interactive device, then calls the service provider and sets up the appointment for the work to be done.
Next part of the technology is when the vehicle arrives at the workshop. Instead of a person at the counter there is an automated AI system (eg Google Duplex) that will welcome the driver, confirm the details and open the job card for the work to be done.
Once the work is done the AI system will invoice the job to the driver and confirm that the car is ready for collection either by a call or text message. When the driver collects the car the AI system will confirm the method of payment and complete the transaction,” says Judd.
In essence, the vehicle knows when it needs attention and, with the drivers consent, uses connectivity with a linked system to schedule, book and confirm the appointment for the work to be done. The AI system in the workshop takes control of the job and ensures all parts are available in advance and then manages the customer interaction both inbound and outbound. The vehicle’s on-board computer is finally informed by the AI system of the work performed and the data is reset for the next period. The AI system will then follow-up with a customer satisfaction survey after a set period to generate data on the service levels of the business.