



What is SAQCC Gas?

SAQCC Gas is Non Profit Company that has been formed by the four (4) Member Associations to establish a central database which displays details of registered and authorised Gas Practitioners to work on gas and gas systems.  The SAQCC Gas has been officially appointed and mandated by the Department of Employment and Labour to register gas practitioners, on their behalf, within the following gas industries:

  • Natural Gas
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas
  • Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Gas
  • Compressed Industrial and Medical Gases

The Member Associations are:

  • LPGSA – Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association of South Africa
  • SACGA – Southern Africa Compressed Gases Association
  • SARACCA – South African Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association
  • SAGA – Southern African Gas Association

The practitioners that “REGISTER” with SAQCC Gas, belong to different Associations and could be members of those Associations. Registration is compulsory in terms of the OHS Act specifically concerning the Pressure Equipment Regulation (PER).

SAQCC Gas is responsible for ensuring that anyone working on Gas Systems, is competent to do so in terms of the PER. Applications for registrations are sent to SAQCC Gas by each Association according to registration criteria and proof of competency, through a portfolio of evidence relating to training, qualifications and experience in the relevant Gas industry. Approved applicants are then REGISTERED with SAQCC Gas and their details are incorporated onto the National Database for Authorised Practitioners.

This database is now available online at allowing you to find a competent Gas Practitioner and to check the credentials of persons that are offering to provide gas services.

Authorised practitioner cards

All of our authorised practitioners will now be in possession of the new SAQCC Practitioners card. On the front of the card is the practitioner’s identity photograph. The reverse of the card includes a list of qualifications and the logo of the Department of labour.


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