The City encourages all residents and interested parties to check out Cape Town’s draft Energy Strategy. It shows how the City’s going to end load shedding and make Cape Town stronger for all.
The City of Cape Town has drafted an energy strategy for the City titled ‘Our Shared Energy Future: The 2050 Energy Strategy for the City of Cape Town’, and would like your input.
The City’s aim is to achieve energy security for Cape Town by ending load shedding over time and navigating the changing energy system to the benefit of all.
To achieve this, it will implement the following commitments:
Commitment 1 – Harness New Energy Supply: Meet Cape Town’s energy demand with a reliable and cost-effective supply of increasingly carbon-neutral energy from multiple energy suppliers.
Commitment 2 – Alleviate Energy Poverty: Support indigent households and communities in informal settlements to access a range of safe and cost-effective energy services to meet their daily needs for improved well-being and increase economic participation.
Commitment 3 – Optimise Energy Use: Businesses, households, and municipal services use energy efficiently and manage the demand for electricity to allow for greater use of renewable energy and contribute to balancing the electricity distribution grid.
Follow this link to view the full Draft Energy Strategy or submit your feedback before 31 July 2023 here.
Source: Chamber of Commerce & Industry