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New specialised vehicles to rev up cleanliness in the city

THE City of Cape Town’s Urban Waste Management Directorate informs residents that cleansing operations city-wide have been boosted by the delivery of two new vehicles. This will speed up the rate at which illegal dump sites can be cleared and increase efficiency of litter picking services in hotspot areas.

These vehicles are only two of 69 vehicles on order to improve service delivery and general cleanliness throughout the city. Delivery of a further 51 specialised vehicles for various purposes within Urban Waste Management is expected this financial year before July 2022. The total value of vehicles procured this year is approximately R187,5 million.

‘The City has significantly stepped up the resources assigned to keeping Cape Town clean with introducing the Rapid Response Programme. With the support of the National Government, budgets for clearing of illegal dumping have been effectively increased by 200% from the start of the 2021/22 financial year. We recognise that many communities have become used to informal/illegal dump sites in their area. With an injection of extra resources, the City hopes to show communities the benefits of living in an environment free of dumping.

‘We hope they will feel encouraged to help prevent dumping among their friends, family and neighbours. Cleaner areas mean better property value, and this is key to uplifting previously disadvantaged communities. However, the current intensive resourcing for this service is not likely to be sustainable, and any resources used for picking up litter could be used for other beneficial initiatives if we can stop the negative behaviour. Residents can help prevent illegal dumping and are encouraged to use the solid waste services that are provided to get rid of their waste and other unwanted items,’ said Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Waste Management, Alderman Grant Twigg.

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