THE SAIW’s Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) department is soaring ahead in 2023 thanks to a record 12-month performance, and new projects underway in collaboration with a range of strategic entities such as Sasol and Eskom.
One of the most exciting projects has seen the SAIW join forces with TUV-SUD South Africa Pty Ltd in a dedicated TUV-SUD Skills Development Initiative that has resulted in extensive training of NDT personnel since 2021.
SAIW NDT Manager Mark Digby reports; “At least 15 ex VUT students have been assisted by TUV-SUD to achieve a Level 3 Qualification / Certification with at least one method of specialisation.
“This has proven to be one of the most successful NDT Level 3 developmental strategies ever undertaken by a South African NDT Service provider with the program being extended into 2023 and anticipated to run until at least 2025.”
Sasol collaboration
Further evidence of the success of the NDT services offered by the SAIW includes the highly successful SASOL Learnership Programme (Groups A to H) that was established in 2007 and has seen at least 160 school leavers trained in four methods up to Level 2.
These students have subsequently entered the lucrative inspection program as highly competent Statutory Competent persons or Inspectors of Pressurised Equipment.
The SAIW has also actively participated in the Department of Employment and Labour established SAQCC Board and supports the activities undertaken by this professional body for NDT in South Africa.
Digby explains; “One of the work streams of the SAQCC-NDT Board is to include tertiary qualified students within the regulatory framework of NDT personnel and the transition examinations established during 2017 have proven to be a very useful means to include these students within the industry requirements”.
Legacy counts
Overall, the SAIW NDT division’s level of success is unsurprising considering its depth of experience and historic performance in the South African economy. It has provided NDT Training provided since 1980 with active participation during the construction of PetroSA, Koeberg, SASOL and other power stations across SA.
Its highly experienced and competent lecturing personnel also have more than 100 years of combined experience in the Power Generation (Conventional, Nuclear & Renewable); Petrochemical; Mining; Transport; Sugar & Pulp and Foundries industries.
Another key differentiator of the SAIW NDT offering in the market is the fact that it’s home to the most extensive training (and examination) sample library of any training school (and Personnel Certification Body – SAIW Certification) in South Africa. Its facilities are also substantial, with ten classrooms and five dedicated testing laboratories, that are home to equipment, calibration, and reference samples that can facilitate NDT classes of up to a maximum of 10 (UT; RT; ECT) to 15 (VT; PT: MT) students per class.
Another core strength of SAIW NDT’s division is its ability to provide a flexible customised service to its clients, where training and examination can be provided at a company’s premises (dependent on suitable class facilities). Examinations can also be arranged ‘24/7’, 365 days a year, dependent on demand and location
Digby says this industry-centric approach stems from the fact that the SAIW NDT is by the industry and for the industry. “The SAIW is owned by its members who are leading industry representatives and our courses and content – while compliant with international norms and standards- are based on local industry needs and requirements.”
This ensures the SAIW facility is fully compliant with international standards via SANAS accreditation, while the SAIW is an ISO 9712 Approved Training Body provider in six basic methods up to Level 3 and SAIW Certification is ISO/IEC 17024 SANAS Accredited Personnel Certification Body under the scope of ISO 9712.
Looking ahead Digby says some of the key NDT training innovations in 2023 include digital formative and summative assessments during classroom training as well as online theoretical exams (General & Specific) as part of the SAIW Certification qualification process.
To find out more about these initiatives and the SAIW’s NDT services please call +27 (011 298 2100 or email