For those that subscribe to BizNews Insider (, I apologise if you’ve read this before but for those who are not or who may have missed it, I reproduce this letter to Alec Hogg’s inbox, sent on 21st July by Michael Smythe the CEO of Amagh Financial Services. Ed.
I have a suggestion for our government.
- Would they please consider the implementation of compulsory National/ Community service for all young South Africans, irrespective of race, creed, wealth etc. An initial three month basic training in the fundamentals, making your bed, washing and ironing your clothes cleaning your quarters, a degree of healthy physical activity, learning the proper history of this country , taught by impartial and objective individuals, learning another language other than English or Afrikaans and most importantly no access to smart phones during this period.
- During the initial three months, they will be permitted one home visit after the initial 8 weeks.
- They will be paid a stipend which will equate to the minimum wage.
- During the initial three months they will be exposed to and introduced to various trades, at the end of the three months they will select a trade which they are interested in.
- During the next three months, they will be trained in the trade of their choice and paid a stipend commensurate with that of an “appy”.
- At the end of six months, they will be deployed under supervision to carry out their trade on infrastructural projects that have been identified by a commission consisting of all political parties and civic organizations.
- The period of deployment will last one year, at the end of the period, if the participants wish to progress in their chosen vocation they will be given credit for any courses that they wish to enrol for at a Higher Institution, should they require funding for their studies they will be assisted on the proviso that they “give” back to the community in the form of assistance on various projects.
- Employment will be guaranteed by government and the private sector after the initial 18 month period has been completed AND the unions will not be allowed to interfere. I believe that a programme like the one suggested above would provide a sense of purpose and belonging to our youth and build a better South Africa for all. Maybe allocate all the cash recovered from State Capture for this purpose.