



Privacy Policy

Data collection & your privacy

Hypenica respects your privacy and seeks to protect your personal data. It is the aim of Hypenica to ensure that the processing of personal data by or on behalf of Hypenica is fair and reasonable and that your personal data is secure, accurate and up to date. Each time we want to collect personal data, we will tell you the purposes for which we use the data and then ask for your consent to that usage. We only use your data for the purposes for which you consent, please visit this link where you are able to manage your data according to what you would like to receive from Hypenica.

Hypenica is a Multimedia company with various Business to Business marketing platforms and news channels offered to companies to assist them in their marketing efforts in growing market share across multiple sectors. The information collected is of a business nature, therefore the information collected and provided would include, a company name, contact person name and designation, email address and area / sector of business activity.

This information is collects through the use of enquiry, subscription links and one on one personal telephonic conversations, virtual events and social media networks. It is used to support, improve and obtain feedback on Hypenica products and services and to provide our clients and or readers updated information on focus sectors each month.

Prospects. Various details that are freely available on the web. Mostly contact details and social media. Also, information regarding any connections such as commenting on their LI articles etc. No more details than are necessary to meet legitimate business interests.

Cape Business News, daily newsletter is designed to add value for our readers and we consider all readers our clients and our friends. The objective of the daily newsletter is to keep our readers informed on the most recent and latest up to date business trends economic climate new inventions products and or services across industry.

We also keep our readers informed of events, programmes and new products through the newsletter.

We use a third-party provider, Mailpoet, to deliver our newsletter. We gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve our e-newsletter. You can unsubscribe to general mailings at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.

Webinar attendees. Some of our webinars will be sponsored by a company, allowing us to deliver and offer it for free to those attending. Those that register will need to confirm that they are happy for their details to be shared with the sponsor company(ies). Before being able to register for the webinar you will also need to tick a box confirming you are happy for the sponsor company(ies) to contact you with marketing communications.

We also collect information automatically about your visit to our site by way of using cookies. The information obtained in this way, which includes demographic data and browsing patterns, is only used in aggregate form. Hypenica may use this information to assess what products and services may be of interest to our business readers and to better provide more content of that nature.

From time to time our account managers / sales consultant may contact you about a new event product or services which may interest you and in some circumstances invite you to conferences and similar events. You have a right to ask us at any time to be removed from our data system.

Hypenica does not sell or rent your personal data to others outside of Hypenica. In some instances, we may pass relevant information to third parties involved with Hypenica, such as administration or a sub-contractors for interviews and article updates to our news channel If you have any questions about Hypenica’s privacy/data protection policy, please contact Robin Dunbar

You are currently receiving emails from Cape Business News as you are either in the marketing department or public relations department within your organization. By engaging with CBN on our digital & social media platforms this will provide you with a clear understanding of our digital platforms targeted toward the various sectors within Industry.

Contact information
Hypenica (Pty) Ltd
7 Bell Crescent
Westlake Business Park, Tokai
PO Box 30874, Tokai, 7966, South Africa

Cape Business News
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