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Tag: 2030

Logistics group commits to 100% carbon neutral LCL by 2030

Achieving carbon-neutral global LCL services within a decade is part of the Rhenus strategy to spearhead the industry’s transition to sustainable logistics. THE Rhenus Group, a global logistics service provider, will neutralize...

The WHO wants to rid the world of hepatitis by 2030: why it’s a...

Four years ago, the World Health Organisation (WHO) rolled out its global strategy to eliminate hepatitis by 2030. Known as a "silent killer" disease, hepatitis is a viral disease that causes inflammation of...

Robots may displace 20m manufacturing jobs by 2030

Robots are on track to wipe out almost a tenth of the world’s manufacturing jobs with the brunt borne by lower-income areas in developed nations, Oxford Economics says. While automation should boost...

#FourthIndustrialRevolution ; Robots taking our jobs? Stop worrying and upskill for the future

A new study contrasts many recent headlines reporting that robots will take over our jobs in the future. Pearson, in partnership with Nesta and the Oxford Martin School, recently released a...


Zero Carbon Charge is looking for landlords to house its EV...

By Larry Claasen ZERO Carbon Charge is looking for landlords around the country on major routes to house its electric vehicles (EV) charging stations. The goal...


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