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Serco displays specialised custom building skills

Serco has once again proven its high quality custom building capability by producing two fully-equipped trailers for use as mobile learner driver license test centres. The 12,5m-long trailers were built...

Major face-lift for Pier Place

Recently acquired by Aria Property Group, Pier Place is a prime-situated 15-storey, 15,000sqm building in Jetty Street on Cape Town’s Foreshore, which is undergoing redevelopment and refurbishment in excess of R200...

Compact, unified factory automation range means design simplicity for panel builders

A smaller, standard component height across all of Omron’s family of factory automation (FA) control devices allows for standardised wiring ducts and component placement, thereby optimising space.A standardised, unified design also...

On-site training to offset building industry accidents

The Federated Employer’s Mutual Assurance Company (FEM), which provides cover to employers in the construction industry, has revealed that during 2016 there were 889 accidents on construction sites in the Western...

‘Transport & Construction’ and ‘Trucks-Parts & Equipment,’ We offer you the following

We produce a Monthly Digest - Transport & Construction - a 118 page digest that is mailed monthly and directly to 14 500 decision makers both nationally and internationally, as well...

Development of Cape Town’s tallest building set to begin in April

Development of the soon-to-be tallest building in Cape Town, which will cost in the region of R1,5bn, has now been scheduled to begin in April 2017. Although the development will take...


Zero Carbon Charge is looking for landlords to house its EV...

By Larry Claasen ZERO Carbon Charge is looking for landlords around the country on major routes to house its electric vehicles (EV) charging stations. The goal...


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