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Tag: drivers

How Webfleet is digitising daily fleet tasks to boost driver confidence and enhance road...

By Diane Silcock FLEET managers have an onerous task when it comes to managing a fleet of vehicles. Missed schedules, lower driver safety, higher fuel costs, and poor driver performance, are just...

Webfleet releases first ever Road Safety Report on SA transport sector

Webfleet’s inaugural Road Safety Report of logistics operators reveals the complex causes of road crashes While transport companies experienced road crashes in the past year, other road users seem to...

Demerit system for drivers delayed until July 2022

Transport minister Fikile Mbalula confirmed on 1 July that the driver demerit system, which is part of the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (Aarto) Act, will be implemented in July...

Drivers Improving the Business Case for Solar

To recover from the pandemic at hand, businesses have reduced unnecessary expenses as far as possible by investing in cutting edge technologies to bring about improved energy savings. Covid-19 presented businesses across...

Drivers to get free vehicle checks before festive season

Motorist who want to check their vehicles before hitting the road this holiday are in luck as The City of Cape Town’s Traffic Service is throwing open the doors, offering checks...

Government sets up demerit system for drivers

The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) plans to challenge the constitutionality of the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Amendment Act and expressed concern that the new act could be used...

Mid-month fuel estimates bad news for drivers

The Central Energy Fund (CEF) has released its mid-month data on the predicted price of fuel for September, and the current estimated price of fuel with leave drivers heaving a collective...

Road Accident Fund replacement will also compensate guilty drivers

Drunk and negligent drivers who cause death or serious injury ‘will receive benefits at the expense of their victims, who will get much smaller pay-outs’. Despite negligence and drunk driving being the...


Upgrade of Muizenberg beachfront under way

The refurbishment of the Muizenberg beachfront commences this week. The informal gravel parking area along the railway line on the western side of Surfer’s...


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