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New Cape Town initiative bolsters economic recovery

TO support local businesses across the board, from one-person SMMEs to corporates, a number of key public, private and NPO stakeholders are joining forces to initiate a “Made in Cape Town”...

Rhodes Quality initiative looks to grow food gardens at 60 SA schools

Food brand Rhodes Quality has launched a new initiative in partnership with social enterprise Reel Gardening, called Grow with Goodness, with the aim of growing sustainable food gardens for 60 South...

The milkman is back in town

Remember the days of the milkman? He is a gentle reminder of years gone by. While some may believe this job is a thing of the past, today the milkman has...

15,000 jobs and 4 new initiatives you can expect from Pick n Pay

While South Africa is not over the worst yet, the country is heading in a distinctly more optimistic direction, says Pick n Pay chairman Gareth Ackerman, speaking at the company’s AGM...


Zero Carbon Charge is looking for landlords to house its EV...

By Larry Claasen ZERO Carbon Charge is looking for landlords around the country on major routes to house its electric vehicles (EV) charging stations. The goal...


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