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Tag: Personal Information

Commercial identity theft is laughably easy

Covid-19 was a boon to perpetrators of commercial identity theft around the world. The Global Consumer Pulse Study reports that 37% of South African consumers have recently been targets of Covid-19 related digital...

Can we now say goodbye to junk email?

IT has taken six years, but at last a new law to control those who would access our personal information without permission, is operational. The new measures hope to stop the...

How to wipe your personal information from Facebook, Google, and Twitter

Facebook revealed last week that hackers got access to the sensitive personal information of as many as 30 million users, causing many to rush to delete their accounts and protect it from...


SEW-Eurodrive ‘closes the loop’ with new service and repair centre

As part of its strategy to ‘close the loop’ in its service offering, SEW-EURODRIVE South Africa, a specialist in drive and control technologies, has...


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