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Tag: privacy

The good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to social media

In recent years, the rise of social media has revolutionised the way in which we communicate and interact with each other. While social media can be a great tool for staying...

The dangers of sharenting: Is social media where a child’s right to privacy ends?

Client Engagement Team Lead at Metropolitan GetUp Liezel Gordon highlights the dangers of sharing your child’s life online, and how to empower children to become responsible digital citizens Imagine that your entire...

4 Ways to keep confidential documents secure

Keep your data private by implementing these four ways that will ensure you keep all of your confidential documents just that, confidential. In today’s business world, confidential information is everywhere, from customer...

You can soon demand that companies remove your personal data from their systems

The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) is expected to be introduced soon, bringing with it a host of new changes regarding privacy laws in South Africa. Chief among these...


Zero Carbon Charge is looking for landlords to house its EV...

By Larry Claasen ZERO Carbon Charge is looking for landlords around the country on major routes to house its electric vehicles (EV) charging stations. The goal...


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