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Political and economic certainty will boost SA residential property sales

ESTATE agents surveyed by Lightstone at the end of 2023 say political and economic certainty will lead to better residential property sales after a...

NEV sales increase by over 100% in South Africa

The sale of New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) is rising in various countries, including South Africa. In the first half of 2023 alone, 265 970...

How retailers can position for growth and operational efficiency amid plunging sales 

Over the past three years, South African retailers have navigated a difficult landscape with challenges including the fallout from the pandemic, global supply chain...

Opinion piece: Ecommerce warehouse management – can you afford to keep it in-house?

By Tennille Bell, General Manager: Sales at Programmed Process Outsourcing (PPO) ECOMMERCE in South Africa has grown significantly in the past two years. Spurred by...

The Week Ahead: The calm before the storm 

Locally, there are no major releases scheduled for the week ahead. On the corporate actions front, Tuesday marks the last day to trade British American...

Aspire Art leads the Cape Town sales calendar with highly collectable treasures from Africa

Aspire Art will impress the art world with its first auction of 2022 in Cape Town. The consignment of 111 works by 74 artists...

Improvements in construction & building materials sales encouraging – SEIFSA

WHILE the year-on-year uptick in demand for construction and building materials is from a low base, it is a welcome development for the Metals...

Aspen’s sales windfall totals R1,8bn

ACINO and Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries have signed an agreement for Acino to acquire six South African prescription medicines for over R1.8...

No alcohol sales on Heritage Day, says Cele

Those excited about stocking up on alcohol on Heritage Day are in for a rude awakening – no off-site sale of alcohol will...

Edgars owner expecting offers in July for retailer’s asset sale

Edcon Holdings’s administrators extended a deadline for offers for the three main divisions of South Africa’s second-largest clothes retailer, whose sales suffered from pandemic...


PRASA makes progress with plans to build new rail link between...

The rail utility has completed the feasibility study and the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Blue Downs Rail Link, which will connect residents in...


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