Tag: screens
In-house engineering expertise give mines valuable flexibility
With its well established design and manufacturing capabilities in South Africa, Sandvik Rock Processing delivers customised and standard vibrating equipment solutions, including screens and feeders, to customers that enhance future flexibility.
Coastal Park Material Recovery Facility construction project on track
The City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Waste Management, Alderman Grant Twigg, visited the construction site of the planned Coastal Park Material Recovery Facility (MRF). Once operational, this facility will allow...
Matching the screening media with vibratory screens
Collaboration between the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of vibratory screens and the screen media supplier is a key to ensuring the lowest possible cost of ownership while continuously meeting tonnage throughput...
Materials producers win with Trio crushers and screens
Smaller independent quarries and concrete recycling operations in Africa and the Middle East are quickly responding to an insatiable need for construction materials by using Trio crushing and screening equipment.
Safety first with Apex welding screens
Safety in the workplace continues to be a prime focus, and many manufacturing operations make use of Apex Welding Screens to ensure workers are protected against weld splatter and fumes as well...