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Tag: South Africans

Lifting of local lockdown sees rise of the ‘risk investor’,

IN March 2020, the longest bull market in history turned bearish, with market sentiment swinging aggressively towards pessimism. While the global stock market recovered quickly, the South African economy found itself...

South Africans can expect another steep petrol price hike on Wednesday

South Africans will need to brace themselves for a steep fuel increase on Wednesday, 2 February, with both 93 and 95 expected to increase by 53c a litre. Motorists utilising diesel...

South Africans are turning to side hustles – here’s what the law says

With the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic still being felt, a growing number of South Africans in full-time employment are taking on a ‘side hustle’ to supplement their income. Remote working has...

Regulation for financially embattled consumers

The current strain on the local economy has resulted in many South Africans struggling to keep their heads above water. As South African lender Wonga’s research has noted, the impact of...

More South Africans will likely quit their jobs and emigrate in the coming months:...

While South Africa’s move to lockdown level 2 has eased certain restrictions, the impact of Covid on workplaces will remain for some time, says Georgina Barrick, managing director at Network Contracting...

High debt levels number one reason why South Africans are unable to save

South Africans have long been considered as being amongst the world’s worst savers for retirement, but the reasons may have more to do with high levels of indebtedness rather than a...

Gibela helps to develop more entrepreneurs

TRAIN-maker Gibela’s attention to research and innovation is helping the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) ensure students also develop practical entrepreneurial skills. Engineering students at the university have registered a company that...

South Africans want to keep on working from home, study finds

One of the major legacies of the Covid-19 pandemic is an expectation by workers that they will be allowed to work remotely more often. This is according to a new study, Decoding Global Ways of Working by Boston...

SARS is targeting South Africans who have ‘unexplained’ wealth

South African Revenue Service (SARS) commissioner Edward Kieswetter says that the revenue collector has profiled a number of high-net-worth individuals who enjoy a ‘luxurious’ lifestyle and demonstrate unexplained wealth when compared...

Here’s how many South Africans say they will take a Covid-19 vaccine

The Centre for Social Change (CSC), University of Johannesburg (UJ) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) have published a new research briefing on the public’s willingness to take a Covid-19...


South Africa’s economy facing optimistic future

KPMG shares insights from their South Africa Economic Outlook In search of fiscal consolidation Positive post-election sentiment coupled with improved energy availability and reduced inflation...


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