Tag: Waste
International minds tackle future of waste
On Monday 16 September, the City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Waste Management Alderman Grant Twigg welcomed guests from across the...
Bio-fertiliser has the potential to reshape South African agriculture
By Larry Claasen
SOUTHERN African Biogas Industry Association (SABIA) secretary Gordon Ayres is almost annoyed by the assumption that Biogas is assumed to be gas.
Design challenge ‘wastes’ no time sparking creativity
The #cocreate Circular Design Challenge 2024 was launched last week. It is the brainchild of the Mission Network of the Kingdom of the Netherlands...
Giant trolley installation elevates conscious consumption at V&A Waterfront
When you visit the Waterfront, you're in for a big surprise! Suspended from the rafters, a trolley catches your eye. Five huge, colourful bags...
City’s Energy, Water and Waste (EWW) Forum accelerates efforts in organic waste diversion
The City of Cape Town's Energy, Water and Waste (EWW) Forum recently met with local businesses, to check-in around collaborative efforts in advancing resource...
One of Cape Town’s two landfills only has four years of capacity left, warns...
By Larry Claasen
The City of Cape Town says purchasing and developing a regional landfill site should be a “critical priority” as its Coastal Park...
Food and catering businesses have a crucial role in addressing food waste
EACH year, South African farmers, retailers and consumers discard millions of tons of food products, contributing to more than 10 million tons of food...
Separating wet waste from dry waste: A key to successful recycling
Do you know what happens to your waste after you've disposed of it? If not, you're not alone. The majority of people tend to...
Using art and song to help tackle South Africa’s plastic waste crisis
A new collaboration aimed at changing behaviours through art, song, comedy and practical measures, has resulted in the successful diversion of seven tons of...
International Coastal Clean-Up Day – be there for SA!
PLASTICS SA’s annual Clean-Up & Recycle SA Week, which will take place this year from 11-16 September 2023, plays a pivotal role in promoting...